Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

Still has not shipped after 18 days and have not received a response to my enquiry email.


I'm giving the pencil 4 stars because it was such a pleasure to use for a few months, but $100 is probably too much to spend on this tool for a lifetime of usage.

Really nice pencil overall....

Really nice pencil overall. However I will say I can't say with certainty I'd buy it again. I was wanting a brass lead holder and it was between this and a kaweco. The kaweco had some reviews saying that they liked it but it had a rattle to it. I figured well for literally double to the price, surely Ystudio has no rattle, so I bought this pencil. Well the rattle is real. Again, overall, I love this pencil and I really enjoy using it, but I just want to throw it out there that it does have a rattle to when moving it quickly. And that's why only 4 and not 5 stars, for 100 dollars for a single pencil, I do not feel it's to much to ask that things fit snuggly enough to not rattle.

I've been a...

I’ve been a technical illustrator for many years and transitioning into fine arts prompted me to try this pencil. It was a wise choice. I absolutely love this pencil. It is heavier than the run of the mill tech pencil but the quality and workmanship is awesome.

Liebe diesen Bleistift

Ich liebe diesen Bleistift und genieße es wirklich, mit ihm zu zeichnen. Aber ich muss auch sagen, dass er sehr groß und dementsprechend schwer ist, wenn man ihn stundenlang benutzt. Das könnte für diejenigen, die einen schönen Messingbleistift suchen, eine Überlegung wert sein. Ungeachtet dessen liebe ich ihn und bin froh, dass ich ihn gekauft habe!